
Dear WGHS Families:

As promised in the May edition of our News & Notes, this communication provides important information regarding the administration of New York State’s Regents Exam for June 2021. There are significant changes for this year that affect our students and the requirements for graduation so please read the following and reach out if you have any questions.

As a reminder, the New York State Education Department is requiring school districts to administer the following Regents Exams:

  1. June 17 - English Language Arts (Grade 11) @ 8:05 am
  2. June 22 - Living Environment (Biology) @ 8:05 am
  3. June 23 - Algebra 1 - @ 8:05 am
  4. June 24 - Physical Settings/Earth Science (written test only) @ 8:05 am

Most exams will be administered in the small gymnasium.

All students enrolled in courses that lead to a Regents Exam should sit for the test. We encourage all students to attempt the Regents Exam as it can only help and cannot hurt or hinder a student’s academic progress. This year there is much flexibility for students in terms of the role these exams play regarding graduation requirements as well as how the grades are reported.

Here are the most critical points:

  • The state has authorized us to exempt the exam from graduation requirements for a student who fails the exam but has passed the course. In other words, taking the exam cannot count against students in any way.
  • For example, students who complete a course with a grade of 75 or a C (depending on grade level) but fail the exam with a 50 will still be granted “Regents credit” for the course.
  • If students sit for the exam but are not satisfied with the score they earn, an exemption “E” can be reported on their transcripts.
  • Students who are working towards an honors or mastery diploma will be able to substitute their final course grade for the Regents exam score if the exam score is below the required standard.
  • Regents exams are given IN PERSON ONLY. This means that ALL STUDENTS - fully remote as well as on-site students must come INTO THE BUILDING to take their exams ON THE SCHEDULED DATE. NO EXAMS CAN BE GIVEN VIRTUALLY. Busing and breakfast and/or lunch WILL BE provided for students on these days.

Again, there is no harm in students sitting for Regents Exams. We have been given great latitude by NYS Education Department to waive grades for students who are not satisfied with their scores, but it is imperative for students to try to achieve their best score. Regents exam results (like any assessment) provide teachers with valuable data which informs curriculum and instruction decisions.

All other Regents exams are cancelled for this year including the entire August exam administration. Many courses will have either a final exam or a culminating project (including courses with a Regents Exam). Teachers will discuss these with students as we near the end of the year. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child’s school counselor, teacher, or myself. 

Kai D'Alleva, WGCSD
High School Principal