Parent News

Sports sign-ups will be done by logging into FinalForms. All parent & student forms must be signed, and a student's profile turned green in order to participate in first day of practice for the season.

 We will continue using the program called Schedule Galaxy, now known as "AKTIVATE Scheduling", where spectators can receive communication on all team schedules and locations of events for interscholastic athletics. Please notice the Link under the Quick Links section.

Watkins Glen — ScheduleGalaxy 

 Our annual Dub G Sports Awards will be held in June. The Dub G Awards are given to Student athletes, teams and coaches who have excelled, improved, go above and beyond in their efforts for their team and so much more, these are awarded each year with many award categories.

Please consider joining the Sports Boosters Club. Meetings are typically once a month in the fieldhouse area. Your support helps our kids with all sorts of athletic needs. Please see the Sports Booster link for updated contacts and meeting times. Interested in getting involved with Boosters, contact for more information.

Sign up for Boosters Concessions Helper here: Volunteer Sign Ups for Winter Sports Click Here!


Sports Schedule Information

TBD:  Whenever this is listed on a sports schedule it may mean that the team "might be" attending the contest based upon their season ending record/qualifications.  These dates are put on the website for planning purposes only.  Once the TBD is removed, then that particular team has qualified for the competition.

 We are currently seeking assistance in the following areas:  Announcers, Chaperones, Timers, Scorers, Chain Gang members, and Ticket Takers for Varsity Club Tournaments.  If you are interested in helping with the Watkins Glen Sports Programs please contact Athletic Department Secretary, Jackie Honsberger at 607-535-3280 or