Athletic Forms

Steps necessary for students to play WG Sports

  1. Complete all Athletic sport sign-up forms on the Final Forms website:

  2. If student desires to matriculate to a different level sport, they must contact Mr. Weeden in the school's Athletic office. The first step would be gaining parent approval by signing the parent approval and medical forms. A review of the athletes academic, discipline and athletic ability will be reviewed by a team (Building Principal, Disciplinarian, PE Teacher and Athletic Director) in order to move forward. If approved at this level, the school doctor or personal doctor must perform a tanner test for maturity. If student meets the state criteria on the tanner test that is sport specific, the student must then meet the physical fitness criteria that is also sport specific. Passing all the assessments along with coach's approval will allow the student to participate in the appropriate level sports program.  Athlete Placement Full Document

  3. Any questions contact the Athletic Office 607-535-3280